ChronosESP32 is a versatile Arduino library designed to simplify the creation of smartwatch projects on ESP32 boards. Seamlessly connecting to the Chronos app via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), it enables effortless synchronization of data and notifications between your ESP32 device and the Chronos app on your smartphone.


Experience the core functionalities of Chronos.


Leveraging the ESP32Time library, ChronosESP32 efficiently handles time-related functions by utilizing the ESP32's internal Real-Time Clock (RTC). Stay synced with accurate timekeeping for your projects.


Receive and parse data from the Chronos app, including real-time weather updates and phone battery status. Additionally, ChronosESP32 can interpret various configuration commands from the app, offering flexibility for additional functionalities.


Keep informed with seamless syncing of alerts and notifications from your smartphone to your ESP32 device. Stay connected and informed without the need to constantly check your phone.


Take control with remote functionalities such as managing music playback, capturing photos with your phone's camera, or even locating your misplaced phone – all from your ChronosESP32-enabled smartwatch.


Take a look at some of the projects utilizing ChronosESP32 library.